Whether it’s date night or mate night, we’ve got your weekend entertainment fix sorted.

Experience world-class live theatre on Fridays and Saturdays for just $35 per ticket. We won’t even charge you a booking fee.

Every Thursday from 12—4pm you can book Weekend Rush tickets for eligible Friday and Saturday performances that same week. But get in quick, at just $35 per ticket they won't last.

Check out the schedule below to find out which performances will be available each week.

Weekend Rush tickets are subject to availability and limited to four tickets per booking. Available for select performances only, excluding Opening Nights. Standard terms and conditions apply.


Weekend Rush tickets will be available for the following performances (unless sold out).

This schedule is updated monthly.

Weekend rush updates:


Thursday 23 January
37: Friday 24 January (7.30pm), Saturday 25 January (7.30pm)

Thursday 30 January
37: Friday 31 January (7.30pm), Saturday 1 February (2pm & 7.30pm)

Thursday 6 February
37: Friday 7 February (7.30pm), Saturday 8 February (2pm & 7.30pm)

Thursday 13 February
37: Friday 14 February (7.30pm), Saturday 15 February (2pm & 7.30pm)

Thursday 20 February
37: Friday 21 February (7.30pm), Saturday 22 February (2pm & 7.30pm)