Bequests support the future of Melbourne Theatre Company, helping us transform lives through the finest theatre imaginable.

Beyond today, beyond our next production, our lasting goal is to embed and invigorate the essential role that theatre plays in our society.

Why make a Bequest?

Bequests support the future of Melbourne Theatre Company, helping us transform lives through the finest theatre imaginable. Beyond today, beyond our next production, our lasting goal is to embed and invigorate the essential role that theatre plays in our society. By remembering Melbourne Theatre Company in your Will, you give the gift of inspiring experiences and opportunities for generations to come. Your legacy will make a real contribution to a creative future for the benefit of all.

We have established the Legacy Circle to honour and thank individuals who leave a bequest to the Company in their Will. In appreciation of your visionary support, you will be invited to attend unique behind-the-scenes events and become a close part of our family. With your permission, your legacy gift will be acknowledged in our Annual Reports, production programmes and on our website.

Unless otherwise directed, Legacy gifts will be treated as endowed funds, and will provide ongoing support for years to come. Each bequest, whatever size or shape, makes a lasting impact and is generously and thankfully received.

We understand and appreciate that the decision to leave a bequest is a very personal one. If you are considering leaving a Legacy gift please contact us for a confidential conversation. We are happy to discuss ideas to ensure that your passion for theatre lives on at Melbourne Theatre Company.

Suggested Wording

A Bequest of an absolute sum

I GIVE to THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE for the MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY (ABN 28 302 359 029) free of all duties the sum of [amount in words] DOLLARS ($X) and I DECLARE that the receipt of the proper officer for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.

A Bequest of percentage of your residual estate

I GIVE to THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE for the MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY (ABN 28 302 359 029) free of all duties [in words] per cent of my residual estate and I DECLARE that the receipt of the proper officer for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.

Bequesting funds for a particular purpose

If your bequest is for a particular purpose, please ensure that your Will provides that Melbourne Theatre Company will be able to use your bequest even if it is impossible or impracticable to apply it to the prescribed purpose. This can be ensured by enclosing a provision such as:

If at any time and for whatever reason it becomes impracticable or impossible for Melbourne Theatre Company to continue to apply the bequest for the purpose or purposes directed by me in this my Will then the Council of the University of Melbourne may apply the bequest for such other purpose or purposes as the Council determines are most closely in accordance with my directions.

For more information or a confidential conversation please contact Meaghan Donaldson, Annual Giving Manager, on 03 8688 0938 or

Spotlight on the Legacy Circle