Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes, The Lifespan of a Fact and Berlin win at the 39th annual Green Room Awards.
We’re delighted to receive 15 nominations for five of our Season 2021 productions for the 39th annual Green Room Awards.
Watch Nadine Garner, Steve Mouzakis and Karl Richmond – stars of The Lifespan of Fact – play a game of Fact or Fiction.
Ahead of his debut with MTC, as Jim Fingal in The Lifespan of a Fact, Karl Richmond talks about metajournalism, metaphysics, modern myths and the importance of bridging the generation gap.
The Lifespan of a Fact offers audiences a playful, theatrical debate about the value of verifiable facts vs the power of poetic license. It's an age-old debate ... or is it? The history of fact checking may surprise you.
The Lifespan of a Fact is a somewhat accurate, sort of fictional, mostly true story about the slippery nature of facts. Learn more about this hit Broadway comedy in our production programme, only available online.
The story of The Lifespan of a Fact began almost 20 years ago. The play is a fictionalised version of non-fiction people and events. The real Jim Fingal spoke with MTC to reflect on the lifespan of The Lifespan of a Fact.