Tell us about your character in a nutshell. What drives them?
I play Riley. He is the twin brother of Scotch in the play. He is someone who thinks before he speaks. His actions throughout the show are very considered and calculated. On the surface he seems like a very kind-hearted and sweet boy and at times he is. But he is also very complex. You get little hints of that as the story evolves and progresses as his true nature, feelings and intentions come out. It is going to be interesting for the audience to see his motives and personality change as the show progresses.
Grant Young in rehearsals for Is God Is. Photo: Joshua Scott
How does it feel to be working with this team?
The whole experience so far has been awesome. Right now we’re slowly seeing the shape of the show. Everyone is doing an amazing job and experiencing the passion and drive everyone involved has for the story is amazing. I can really feel the chemistry of everyone coming together and each part slowly linking up, like little puzzle pieces.
What resonates most for you within the show?
What resonates with me, and possibly even for a lot of people that see the show, is the sense of belonging. That is one of the main themes of the show and it comes through in every character, in some shape or form. Each character in the show has that feeling of being an outsider, through their different perspectives on life and relationships with people and how to treat them. For Riley it’s the sense of not feeling fully understood and not having the relationships with the people around him to share things that are very personal to him. Which causes him to create this persona of just doing enough so people won’t notice or ask questions.
What’s unique about this production?
When you look closely at the script you can tell there’s a bunch of different styles of theatre woven into the story. It may be quite jarring to people, but it’s also interesting and will keep people engaged and intrigued about what will happen next, because it’s all unpredictable. The twin’s journey is simple and complicated at the same time. They are given a task that is easier said than done. They have to work together even if some of their morals and beliefs don’t align. There’s a give and take between the two sisters which leads to consequences.
Why do you think this play is relevant for Australian stages today?
This play is another step in the right direction for storytelling. In the last five years, unique stories are being told, as well as different takes on stories that have been told before. This is another example of these types of stories that are not that cut and dry. It has a lot of different layers that people can relate to. Even if they aren’t the same ethnicity as the characters, people will be able to understand it and get something out of it.
What do writer Aleshea Harris’s quick shifts from dramatic, darker moments to lighter, comic moments bring to the production?
The combination and contrast between darker and dramatic styles and lighter comedic moments allow the story to branch out into different directions but not stray too far away from its true nature. It works well because even though it is a simple and linear story, these styles add depth to the characters as well as the world they live in. It’s very reminiscent of our own stories but different enough that it’s still a fantasy tale.
Grant Young as Riley and Darius Williams as Scotch in Is God Is. Photo: Pia Johnson
What has surprised or challenged you, or been different about working on this show compared to your other acting work?
I feel like overall the show itself is very different to anything I’ve done so far in my career and I’m really enjoying that. There have been things I’ve struggled with, such as some of the fight choreography and dialogue, but it has been a good challenge and something that allowed me to push myself out of my comfort zone and into the realm of innovative ideas and new possibilities.
Published on 29 June 2023