From this page you can revisit some key concepts about sound design, and explore interviews with composer/sound designers to use in your classroom.
4 types of sound design
1. Sound effects
Doors opening, footsteps, phones ringing ... anything that makes a sound. Usually recorded or created through foley.
2. Scene transitions
Often musical but can also be comprised of accented effects (e.g. car horns honking on a busy street). This is used to change energy from scene to scene.
3. Underscoring (music)
Music that helps accentuate the (often emotional) journey of the characters.
4. Underscoring (ambience)
A combination of effects and underscoring - it could be creepy humming sounds, like a cold room, or percussive elements that sound like crinkling leaves.
Adapted from Clemence Williams' composition/sound design workshop in the Teacher as Artist Digital PD Week.
More Sound Design Resources
Published on 30 November 2020