Stage adaptation by Axel Hellstenius in collaboration with Petter Naess. Translated by Nicholas Norris, adapted by Simon Bent.
It’s a scary world out there and Elling would rather have nothing to do with it. His mother used to take care of everything, until she died, leaving him middle-aged and institutionalised. Now Social Services want him to learn some life-skills. They give him a flat, an equally hopeless flatmate called Kjell, and a big push. Like two non-swimmers out of their depth, Elling and Kjell grab hold of each other in the hope of staying afloat.
Sink or swim. This laugh-wrenching hit comedy from Simon Bent, based on the Oscar-nominated film, brings this odd couple to the stage with charm, humour and compassion. In this new production, Darren Gilshenan revives his acclaimed role as Elling, once again directed by Pamela Rabe.
Key Photography by Marcel Auca, Production Photography by Jeff Busby.