Attempting to escape a scandal in Sydney, Toby, a lefty documentary filmmaker, arrives in Noosa with his wife Ros to discover that the quaint fishing village of youthful memory is now filled with the sort of wealthy Sydney-siders he hoped to leave behind. A short acquaintance with the right-wing Ron and Natasha becomes a long-term problem when his slacker son and their striver daughter hit it off.
The Montagues versus the Capitalists! For almost forty years the zeitgeist has been haunting David Williamson. Let the Sunshine hilariously captures middle Australia as it stumbles into the second decade of an increasingly uncertain century.
A co-production with Queensland Theatre CompanyKey Photography: Earl Carter, Production Photography: Rob Maccoll
WARNING: Contains strong language.
‘Have you ever wondered, as I have, how Baby Boomers can have it all yet never quite get it? As the thirty-somethings of Don’s Party became the fortysomethings of Emerald City, the fifty-somethings of After the Ball and now the sixty-somethings of Let the Sunshine, David Williamson has followed the Lucky Country’s luckiest generation as they have grown older but not one jot wiser. In this latest play, Williamson’s maturing wit will be wielded with limber precision by four perennially youthful performers: Jacki Weaver, John Wood, Robert Coleby and Andrea Moor. A co-production with Queensland Theatre Company seemed not only appropriate for the play’s themes, but secured us the directorial talents of QTC’s brilliant Artistic Director Michael Gow.’
Simon Phillips, Artistic Director