Here is ordinary suburban Australia: three houses and three backyards, well-lawned and duly Hill’s-hoisted, full of the happy hubbub of family life. In this no-worries tract of battlers and good sorts, the Boyles, the Pogsons and the Knotts live out the Great Australian Dream of frugal comfort and conspicuous normality.
But look closer. These may be everyday Australians, but every day – every sunny, yellow, oven-baked day – is dunked in the pinky, bitter-sweet cuppa of human life. Seek love or lust or hatred; seek joy or disappointment, or the beauty that redeems, or the repulsiveness that clutches; seek head-back mirth or head-bowed sorrow; and you will surely find it contained within the three grassy spaces between the fence palings and the brick veneer during this long hot season at Sarsaparilla.
This production features herbal (non-tobacco) cigarettes and stage atmospherics.