Artwork for Rehearsal time-lapse
Harry Tseng and Izabella Yena. Photo by James Henry.

The Violent Outburst That Drew Me To You

Rehearsal time-lapse

Watch a time-lapse of The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You in the rehearsal room.

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The Melbourne Theatre Company production of Finegan Kruckmeyer's The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You had just 4 weeks to rehearse. This time-lapse video from behind the set shows the cast doing a run of the show ahead of the team moving from our HQ to Southbank Theatre.

Did you see?

  • This time-lapse shows the back of the set. During performances in the theatre, the audience sat on the other side (where you can see the director, stage manager, and other creatives observing the rehearsal).
  • Josh Price removes the 'door slam' after Connor's opening monologue (all the doors can swing both upstage and downstage, so a large metal rod was needed for the opening scene where Connor slams a door shut).
  • Various props and costume items are hanging on hooks at the back of the flats.
  • A basket is used to collect props and costumes in Part One ahead of the wall falling down.
  • The actors help each other backstage to pass props and costumes.
  • The rhythm of Part Two (after the wall collapses) is different to Part One.


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