Internationally renowned director Gale Edwards returns to MTC to direct Ibsen’s classic, starring Philip Quast and Linda Cropper alongside Pip Edwards, Ben Pfeiffer and Richard Piper.
Pastor Manders has come to Mrs Alving’s home to discuss the opening of an orphanage in her late husband’s name, permanently honouring his goodness and generosity. For Mrs Alving, however, the dedication will be the final great lie in a marriage filled with lies. When she tells the Pastor the truth about her husband’s secret indiscretions, he begins to see their world for what it really is. But can the ghosts of the past be exorcised so swiftly?
More than a hundred years since it alarmed censors, appalled critics and thrilled audiences, Ibsen’s masterwork remains sensational and electric. This unflinching critique of marriage and social convention is as acutely relevant today as ever before.
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Image: Jo Duck