An enrichment program for Year 11 theatre-lovers across Victoria.

Each year since 2010, a group of Year 11 theatre-lovers have been selected as Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Ambassadors, embarking on a yearlong extension program that offers insight into the world of professional theatre. Each month the Youth Ambassadors meet with Melbourne Theatre Company staff and artists to share their experiences of theatre with like-minded peers. Participation is free of charge.

What does the program entail?

Meeting roughly once a month, Youth Ambassadors are offered the chance to extend their knowledge and experience by attending Melbourne Theatre Company productions and sharing their responses to theatre with a group of like-minded young people. In 2025, Youth Ambassadors will attend 11 Melbourne Theatre Company productions at Southbank Theatre and Arts Centre Melbourne, and meet a range of staff and artists for exclusive Q&A opportunities. Dinner is provided before each performance. Youth Ambassadors also take a leadership role which has two functions; to act as youth representatives within the Company, and to act as advocates for Melbourne Theatre Company within their school and social communities.

How do students become a Youth Ambassador?

  1. Students must be nominated by a teacher. Students must be in Year 11 at a Victorian school in 2025. Each school may only nominate one student per year,
  2. Teachers are then given a link to send to their nominated student where they write about their interest in theatre and confirm parent/carer consent to participate.

Melbourne Theatre Company is committed to sharing stories that reflect the diversity of the human experience. We welcome applications from everyone – regardless of race, sexuality, faith, ability or gender.

Nominations for the 2025 program will open in February.

When are the meeting dates?

Students will need to be available to attend meetings in Southbank from 4.30pm until approximately 9pm on the following dates in 2025:

  • Tuesday 18 March
  • Tuesday 1 April
  • Tuesday 13 May
  • Tuesday 17 June
  • Tuesday 1 July
  • Tuesday 22 July
  • Tuesday 19 August
  • Tuesday 9 September
  • Tuesday 7 October
  • Tuesday 18 November
  • Tuesday 9 December

What do I need to participate?

Students will need to make their own way to and from Southbank. Travel and accommodation is not included.

Who is eligible for nomination?

Students in Year 11 at a Victorian school in 2025 are eligible for nomination by a teacher. Each school may only nominate one student per year.

Guidelines for nomination:

  • Youth Ambassadors should have a serious interest in theatre and enjoy seeing and discussing plays, not just performing.
  • We encourage nominations for students with an interest in an area of theatre other than acting, such as writing, directing, design and production.
  • Youth Ambassadors need to be able to commit to attending all of the meetings listed above. Students who have a full load of extra-curricular commitments are not recommended for nomination.
  • Youth Ambassadors should be confident communicators, willing to act as advocates for the Company and to report back to their school communities and social networks about their experiences at Melbourne Theatre Company.
  • Nominating teachers should be willing to assist students in finding opportunities to report back to the school community.

What will students need to answer in the form?

Nominated students will be asked to respond to the following questions (150 words or less per question):

  • What's your favourite style of theatre and why? (e.g. naturalistic, eclectic, comedy, musical, contemporary)
  • What’s the best production you’ve ever seen (small or large, amateur or professional) and what was it that made it so memorable?
  • Describe your involvement in extra-curricular theatre at school and/or in your community. Do you perform roles onstage, work behind the scenes, or both?
  • Why would you like to be a Youth Ambassador?

What are the benefits of being a Youth Ambassador?

  • Youth Ambassadors receive a free ticket to 11 Melbourne Theatre Company productions in the 2025 season.
  • Youth Ambassadors get the opportunity to meet with theatre professionals and find out about the inner workings of one of Australia’s largest theatre companies.
  • The program brings together like-minded young people who can engage in a level of discussion about theatre which may not always be possible in the classroom.


Melbourne Theatre Company gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Education Giving Circle.