Actors Josh Price and Izabella Yena provide behind-the-scenes insight into their work on the 2019 MTC production of The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You by Finegan Kruckemeyer. Watch each video, then scroll to the bottom for activities.
In the planning stage of the theatre production process, actors may audition, contribute to script developments, research, read-through the script, annotate text, and more.
In the development stage, actors may rehearse blocking, learn lines, annotate scripts, make notes and diagrams, warm-up and cool-down, integrate costume and props, communicate with stage management, interpret the script, and more.
In the presentation stage, actors may do technical and dress rehearsals, warm-up and cool-down, perform for an audience, take on directorial feedback and notes, adjust their performance in response to an audience, and more.
- Summarise what actors do to prepare for an audition.
- What does Josh Price mean by 'try and come in with an offer' regarding auditions?
- What are the 'given circumstances' Izabella Yena talks about?
- What advice does Josh Price have for nervousness in an audition?
- How does Izabella Yena memorise lines?
- What kinds of clues do actors look for in a script regarding their performance?
- What does Izabella Yena mean when she describes the 'syntax' in Shakespeare?
- What do actors do in a script development?
- What do these actors do on the morning of a rehearsal day?
- What do these actors bring to rehearsal?
- What kinds of warm-up activities do these actors do?
- How do these actors document their work during rehearsal?
- What kinds of notes do these actors make on their script?
- How do these actors use improvisation in rehearsal?
- What is the 'Laban' technique that Josh Price speaks about?
- What kinds of exercises did these actors do in rehearsal for The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You?
- What are the 'beats' that Josh Price refers to when he talks about breaking down a monologue?
- How do actors interact with Stage Managers in rehearsal?
- What example does Izabella Yena give about collaborating with Designers?
- How do actors adjust their performance for different venues?
- What happens in a Tech Week?
- How do actors interact with the Director during Tech Week?
- How does the actors' relationship with the Director change after Opening Night?
- What kinds of warm-ups do these actors do before a performance and why?
- What is a cool-down and why is it important?
- What is a 'siren' and 'lip trill'?
- Why does Josh Price describe the Stage Manager as another 'actor'?
- Why is it important for actors to say their lines correctly?
- How does the audience impact on actors' performance?
- What advice does Josh Price have for when things go wrong on stage?
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Published on 29 February 2020